Interview of the Week

A Rasher of Insights from Francis Bacon

By Bogie T. Bulldog and @francisbaconpants
January 28, 2016

It happened suddenly. I was getting coffee in Echo Park—
slurping up my whole milk puppicino with whip—and in walks Francis Bacon. Star struck, I fumbled nervously around my duffle for my notepad and pencil. This might be the greatest story of my career I thought, as I wiped off most of my milk mustache.

I took a deep breath and walked right up to the famous pig.

Bogie: It’s a great honor and a real pleasure to meet you Mr. Bacon. May I ask if you’re named after the famous artist or the barbaric foodstuff?

Francis: The pleasure is mine Bogie! May I first just say that I believe Bacon is a state of mind, not a food. Often people think I’m named after SIR Francis Bacon, the philosopher, and although I’ve been known to partake in the occasional friendly philosophical debate, it’s the artist who’s my true namesake.

Bogie: Do you appreciate your person’s droll sense of humor in this (naming) regard? And does she eat bacon?

Francis: I never really understood the humor to be honest. My brother Kevin has a better sense of humor than I do though; maybe you should ask him.

My human only eats facon!

Bogie: Is that similar to tofurkey? Gross. But that’s probably a relief for you. Speaking of food, and not to digress too much, I was wondering if you have any interest going into the truffle sniffing business with me? Equal partners—between my restaurant experience and your nose, it could be pretty lucrative and/or delicious. We’re both foodies after all…

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Bob A. Cat


A Debonair Defense

I’m a metrosexual cat
Whose many admirers notice that
My nails are clipped,
I’m microchipped,
And my hirsute neck is set
With a leather collar in violet.

My thick ginger coat blindly shines
With the stolen butters I’ve made mine;
Double-0 Seven, Sean Connery,
That’s what you’ll think when you see me.

As an accomplished entrepreneur
Who knows when to swat and when to purr
I live a life of politesse,
Except when I make a big fat mess.
Say, by way of recent example,
The shabby feral tabby tramples
Through the yard and leaps on the fence,
How can I not, in my defense,
Get proprietarily incensed?

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Bogie always gets so clingy when I try and have other friends friends over. #bogiesandwich #jealousykills – Robert TR Chicken

Lil’ Orphan Hammies

Lil’ Orphan Hammies’ primary focus is on the care of their four-legged residents, but they are also very active in educational outreach programs. They provide accurate and up-to-date information for current or prospective pig owners and rescue hundreds of unwanted pigs each year. Learn more and help donate.

Dogs in Snow

@lola_bulldog_lover knows how to conquer the frigid temperatures in style. Have a great photo of you in the snow? Tag #dogsinsnow.

Trivia Teaser

Which dog breed is affectionately nicknamed the Bobtail?

Answer from last week’s question: Pointed coats are catergotized as coats where the limps, tail, muzzle, and ears are darker than the rest of the cat’s body. Siamese, Himalayan, and Birman Cats are some examples.